Contact Your Garden Hotline
Gardening Hotline
Do you have a lawn or garden question such as:
- What do I plant?
- How do I plant?
- What's eating my plant?
If so, contact the Extension Master Gardener Hotline. We are ready to help you solve your growing concerns. Whether you contact us by phone, email or in person, Extension is your source for non-biased, researched-based answers to your questions.
Emailing a question
- Consider taking a picture of the plant or issue and emailing the picture with your question.
- When taking photos for emailing, make sure to use the lowest resolution setting on the camera, as they email much faster.
- Send several photos, including
- ones up close showing the damage,
- and one that shows the entire plant
- Email the photos with your question to:
Phone: (913) 715-7050