Johnson County K-State Extension
Speakers Bureau
Do you need a speaker for your church, civic group or garden club? We have the speakers you are looking for on just about any topic. The Johnson County Extension Speakers' Bureau is a great resource for your club or group.
Our Extension agents, Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, Extension Master Naturalists and Master Food Volunteers have gained a bounty of experience with virtual (Zoom) presentations since 2020. If you are looking for an in-person or virtual presentation by a university trained professional, please contact us. Here is a sample of the some education topics:
- Basic budgeting
- Basic organizational skills
- Birds
- Bluegreen Algae
- Clutter busting
- Emerald Ash Borer and Ash trees
- Environmental Issues
- Food safety and nutrition
- Healthy tips in the kitchen
- Home insect control
- Lawn care
- Nuisance wildlife control
- Perennial flower gardening
- Pruning
- Pollinators, Bugs, Butterflies
- Sleep: want it, need it, how to get it
- Small business and community development
- Waterways
- Wildlife
- Wise use of credit
We can adapt our presentations to meet your group’s needs; from a short 20-minute presentation to a longer format, if needed. While there are no fees for a volunteer speaker, a donation to Johnson County Extension or the chosen volunteer organization is appreciated.
To schedule a speaker for your group, please contact the office. For more information on this service, call (913) 715-7000.