2020 Johnson County 4-H Fair Making Changes in Response to the Pandemic

With COVID-19 still present in our community, the Johnson County Fair 4-H portion will look different than it has in years past. With this pandemic, we have faced many challenges and keeping our community safe is our priority. We value our role in providing 4-H educational events at the fair and look forward to our partnership continuing in a back to normal fashion with the planning and delivery of 2021 fair and beyond.
As a Federal, State and County funded public agency, we are mandated to follow the guidelines from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) State of Kansas and the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment (JCDHE) to ensure public health and safety.
4-H Static (non-animal) projects are offered in a modified manner for the 2020 fair season. The Johnson County Fair Association has chosen to cancel Open Class static projects.
The 4-H livestock projects are not offered for the 2020 season. This is replaced by the Johnson County Fair Association with an Open Class livestock show and exhibit.
The buildings where the 4-H projects are on display will have shortened hours to properly clean. Social distancing will be organized for 4-H judging and volunteers. Floor markers will be present to direct traffic flow and handwashing stations will be present. Visitors are encouraged to wear face masks and maintain at least 6 feet distance from other persons or family units.
For more questions regarding 4-H and Extension programming visit johnson.ksu.edu.
As per the Johnson County Fair Association, the 2020 fair will be open to the public.
For more questions regarding the fair visit jocokansasfair.com.

Information on the 2020 Fair Showcase Event.

Updated Livestock from Kansas Department of Agriculture.