4-H at Home Holiday Activity Guide 2023

braceletsThe winter holidays are fast approaching, school will be out, family may be near and there are so many fun activities to do!

For the days when the weather makes it more appealing to stay at home, the 4-H at Home Holiday Activity Guide can help! From fun crafts, gifts kids can make for loved ones and those in need to delicious baked goods, there are so many ways to integrate fun, family, and learning into the holiday season.

Click here to try out a favorite on Page 10, New Year’s Friendship Bracelets!

Create colorful New Year’s friendship bracelets. Then, share them with cherished friends and family members in your life.


  • 5-7 different colors of metallic thread, 24 inches long each
  • scissors
  • tape
  • ruler or measuring tape

Activity Steps:

  1. Tie all the strands together with a knot about 2 inches from near the top of the strands.
  2. Separate the colors so you have one set of colors on the left and one on the right. Make sure the color pattern mirrors itself on both sides.
  3. Starting on the outside, bring the two outer pieces of thread (should be the same color) to the middle and cross them. Continue doing the crossing until the color you started with is on the outside again. Pull the threads tight so they look like a fishtail braid.
  4. Continue braiding pieces to the front until you are near the end of the threads. Tie the two sides together to close the braid. Then tie the two ends together to complete the bracelet.

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