7 Reasons to Support Johnson County 4-H at the County Fair
Johnson County 4-H members put in many hours of work year-round on their projects, which will be exhibited and judged at the upcoming Johnson County Fair. Projects range from small engines to photography to livestock, and will be showcased in the 4-H Building.

The fair is truly the culimination of the 4-H year. Come out to Gardner and see for yourself!
Here are several reasons to support local 4-H'ers at this year’s fair.
7. All the ANIMALS!
Dogs, poultry, goats, cows, sheep, pigs, rabbits... oh my! Members of 4-H have worked on their livestock and animal projects all year, investing time and money. Visit the Livestock Pavilion and Rabbit and Poultry Barn to view and learn about the animals.
6. Food, project and livestock auctions support 4-H directly:
4-H youth food projects will be available for sale on Tuesday, August 1. Think award-winning cookies, cakes, and snacks—yum! On Friday, 4-H projects will be for sale by auction. You can bid on quilts, woodworking projects, and lots of interesting items. Finally, on Saturday, bid on market animals from livestock projects. All proceeds support local 4-H by funding future projects and education opportunities.
5. Barnyard Olympics:
4-H Youth Ambassadors host this beloved annual tradition, where teams of four participate in wacky barnyard antics. The Ambassadors are changing it up this year, with two new challenges. This is a Friday evening event, immediately following the 4-H Project Auction, approximately 9:30 pm. Fee is $10 per team, and funds support Johnson County 4-H.
4. Carnival:
Enjoy the old-fashioned fair carnival rides, just like when you were a kid! The carnival opens at 6 pm Tuesday through Friday, and at 4 pm on Saturday.
3. Parade:
The Johnson County Fair Parade returns on Saturday at 10 am! Come cheer on the floats as the parade winds through downtown Gardner.
2. Food:
Funnel cakes, corn dogs, giant pretzels, lemonade. Do we need to say more?
For family friendly priced goodies, stop by the 4-H Food Stand for BBQ, frozen treats, and cold drinks, all served by and benefitting Johnson County 4-H.
1. Community tradition.
Johnson County 4-H has a longstanding partnership with the county fair. We hope you'll come out and join the fun.
See you at the fair!
Johnson County Fair
July 28 to August 3, 2024
Gardner, Kansas
For more information about the fair visit www.jocokansasfair.com.