Awards, recognition, and competition

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These three topics usually invoke some sort of controversy. When done with intention and purpose they can benefit youth. To achieve its mission of helping children develop into useful and productive adult members of society, the 4-H program relies on a system of rewards within an atmosphere of competition. Whether it's a ribbon at a county fair to a national college scholarship and hundreds of dollars in premium money, these rewards are intended to motivate young people to reach their full potential.

Research has demonstrated that 4-H participants perceive that 4-H competitions and awards are very valuable to them in terms of teaching responsibility, building self-confidence and self-worth, and preparing them to face challenges in a competitive world. Johnson County 4-H offers several such contests, awards and scholarships to 4-H members each year.

Achievement Celebration in Johnson County
November is our month in the 4-H program for the annual Achievement Celebration. This event is to honor 4-H members and leaders. The county champions, achievement awards and the key award (which is the highest award in 4-H) winners are named.

This event is held to honor the hard work and dedication the 4-H member has put into their project work and leadership throughout the year. The object of awards in 4-H is to recognize 4-H'ers for their accomplishments and to help them learn the process of goal setting and evaluation.

The greatest and most lasting rewards a 4-H member can receive are:

  • Satisfaction from a job well done
  • Pride in his or her accomplishments
  • Recognition from leaders, parents, and other 4-H members for accomplishments
  • Knowledge and skills gained through the project

If a youth has excelled in the Reading project or has cared for a rabbit during the year through the project work they will have tracked and recorded their process throughout. The importance of documenting this progression in their project work is what is judged at the end of the year to try and earn countywide and perhaps state recognition.

Not only do the youth receive recognition for their hard work but the adult volunteers are also spotlighted for their dedication to provide a positive and supportive youth development experience. We invite you to check out the variety of projects, awards, and competitions offered through Johnson County 4-H programs.

Jessie Furgins
4-H/Youth Development Agent

Jessica Lawrenz
4-H/Youth Development Agent