Extension Appreciation Award is awarded to... Nancy Bergdall

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“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” These are such important words when we work with the community and it's one of the many reasons why Nancy Bergdall is recognized as the 2020 recipient of the Extension Appreciation Individual Award.

Nancy is a Kansas 4-H alumni who has been giving back to our program as a volunteer for the past 10+ years. I have had the privilege of working with Nancy for the past 2.5 years as a parent, a volunteer, and an advisor to one of the many 4-H programs, Science Matters.

Throughout my time with Nancy, she has always reminded me of the most important aspect of 4-H: youth taking responsibility for their own learning and allowing them to make decisions. I have been amazed with her ability to bring the teens together, making sure that the project is 100% youth-driven. Easily said but I’m sure we have all had projects where we felt like “it's easier to do it myself.” Nancy stands on the sideline - coordinating with adult mentors to support the teens in their mission, help the teens balance their schedules, allowing the teens to learn by doing. The work of the adult coach is not always apparent but it plays such a big role in the quality of the learning experience. Nancy models what we wish to see from all our volunteers, putting more value into the learning process and not just the final product.

Most importantly, Nancy leads with love and respect. She expresses care for youth as individuals and treats them as the leaders that they are. The teens step up and exceed the high expectations set for them because they know Nancy cares not only about them but believes in their ability to positively impact the community. Nancy is a true educator and leader, making sure that the youth takes ownership of their own learning.

The Extension program thrives across the country as a result of the love and generosity of the community as Nancy has modeled through her words and actions over the years of engaging with Extension. Thank you Nancy for serving the community through your work with Johnson County Extension.


“Mrs. Bergdall has been a figure in many youth's 4-H experiences, from helping with Science Matters to being active both with her club and with council committees. She is very kind to all she meets and is always lending a helping hand, thus a prime example of how to make the best better.” - Burg Family

“I would like to recognize Mrs. Bergdall for all the time and effort she puts into us kids. She is always looking for new opportunities for us to get our message out and has done an amazing job guiding us through this process. You can tell how much she cares about all of us and that makes me want to put my best foot forward for her, the team, and myself. I have learned so much from her about food waste, research, communication, and even teamwork. I am so happy that I get to spend my last year in Science Matters on her team.” – Elizabeth, Stanley Buccaneers 4-H Club

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Jessie Furgins
4-H/Youth Development Agent

Jessica Lawrenz
4-H/Youth Development Agent