4-H School Enrichment Program

These 4-H Enrichment Programs are available for 4-H Leaders and Johnson County Educators to use as supplements to their current educational efforts. Scheduling is done on a first come first serve basis. Therefore, it is important to mail your order form as soon as possible due to limited availability. If you have any comments or questions contact Nancy Carr, the Johnson County School Enrichment Coordinator.

See a brochure PDF

Chicken Embryology
To observe avian embryology and transfer concepts to mammal reproduction.

To develop a better understanding of the use of trees in our community and industry while giving a hands-on experience in identifying tree characteristics.

Honey Bees
To help children understand the economic and biological importance of honey bees to our environment. Also teaches the importance of working together.

Butterfly Garden
To help children study the caterpillar's transition as it matures, changes to a chrysalis, and finally emerges as a butterfly.

Making Science Make Sense
To create awareness of the importance of science literacy and foster curiosity, creativity and critical thinking through six lessons provided by Bayer Corporation of the "What, Why, Where and Who of Food."

Contact Us

Nancy Carr
School Enrichment Coordinator