Kitchen Restore Partners

Are you a community organization who works to connect or provide resources to individuals and families? Partner with our Kitchen Resources to help provide basic essential kitchen items to those in need in our community!

How it works:

  1. Compelete the form:
    1. Online (Form is received as soon as you hit Submit)
    2. Download PDF and email completed form to
      1. Kitchen Restore Client Intake Form (English)
      2. Formulario de Admisión de Clientes del Proyecto de Restauración de Cocinas (Spanish)
  2. Kitchen Restore volunteers will pack kits and coordinate a time to deliver to partner.
  3. Partner then contacts client and ensures the client receives the requested items.

Kitchen Restore can also supply kits in advance to a partner and then the partner submits the intake form back to Kitchen Restore once it is distributed. Contact to inquire or request kits in advance.

Contact Health, Food Safety, and Nutrition