Strengthen Family Bonds During the Holidays

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Holidays are typically the one time of year that families from near and far gather for celebrations. Spending time together is a way that families of all ages can build relationships and create lasting memories.

Strong families make their relationships a priority and often engage in activities to build their relationships. Time spent together helps to create a feeling of family and builds resiliency in children.

There are numerous ways to strengthen your family relations, and many of these activities are not expensive to do.

  • Have a “no phone/technology rule” during dinner or other family activities, so that family members are encouraged to talk, share and interact with one another. Make it a game and see who can go the longest without being on their phone!
  • Have a family game night. Choose a game that is fun and includes everyone in the activity.
  • Watch a special family movie with popcorn and other snacks to make it a special night.
  • Shop the after Christmas sales together and see who can get the best deal for the least amount of money.
  • Cook together! Baking or preparing special foods or treats are a great way to instill cooking skills in youth. Young children can wash vegetables, set the table or frost cookies.
  • Make time for each child individually to build a sense of belonging.
  • Have grandparents share stories of the past to help connect their values and beliefs with today.
  • Share or start a family tradition. Words of appreciation and a heartfelt “thank you” can go a long way in showing your love and support for one another.

No matter what activity your family engages in, it will benefit your family to create lasting holiday memories.