Backyard Garden: Vegetable Garden E


Vegetable Garden E demonstrates various production methods that ease management while increasing yield of traditional garden crops.

gardenPoints of Interest:

Double cropping of spring and summer crops to increase the effective use of available space.

  • Onions are planted thick in mid-March
  • Green onions are harvested, leaving remaining onions spaced for an additional, full-size harvest
  • Green onion harvesting makes room for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

Impact of inoculant on pea and bean production:

  • Sugar snap peas and two-varieties of bush type green beans are planted
  • Inoculant is used on one row of each pea/bean variety. The other row has no inoculant.

Impact of natural vs commercial fertilizer and pest control:

  • Fertilization and pest control of crops in the garden are “mirrored”.
    • Half are fertilized using pelletized chicken manure and pests controlled using Bacilus-thuringiensis (BT) or Spinosad as needed.
    • Half are fertilized with commercial nitrogen fertilizer and pests controlled with permethrin dust as needed.

Cool season production extension:

  • The sugar snap peas are covered by a partial shade cloth to reduce ambient temperature.



  • Cucumbers are trellised on an arch, resulting in ease of harvesting and more efficient use of garden space.
  • Tomato trellising methods:
    • Florida Weave
    • Single Stake
    • Double Stake
    • Caged
  • Eggplant trellising methods include:
    • Caged
    • Free-standing


“Make Hay While the Sun Shines” applies to gardening as much as to farmers putting up hay. Procrastination leads to missed opportunities and

Take advantage of sunny days to plant, weed and harvest and don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today in your garden.

Garden Address

35230 W 135th St
Olathe, KS 66061

Master Gardeners are available to answer questions and provide tours while they work the gardens Wednesday mornings, March to October. To schedule a visit on another day (M-F), please contact us at

Have questions? The Garden Hotline is staffed by trained EMG volunteers and Extension staff who will assist you with questions.

Phone: (913) 715-7050


Backyard Garden home page

Garden Address

35230 W 135th St
Olathe, KS 66061

Master Gardeners are available to answer questions and provide tours while they work the gardens Wednesday mornings, March to October. To schedule a visit on another day (M-F), please contact us at

K-State Research and Extension Johnson County Master Gardener logo

Have questions? The Garden Hotline is staffed by trained EMG volunteers and Extension staff who will assist you with questions.

Phone: (913) 715-7050
