Backyard Garden: Vegetable Garden F
The focus in Vegetable Garden (F) is to show how you can have at least two gardens every year. Actually, you can have three gardens in the spring, summer and fall but because of time constraints, our team will not have a fall garden.
Points of Interest:
- Ground preparation started in February with weeding and incorporating alfalfa pellets into the soil. Alfalfa pellets are an organic soil builder and light fertilizer for a spring garden.
- Spring planting started in the middle of March. Spring garden plants grow and produce better when the temperatures stay relatively cool. Some springtime plants will prematurely bolt if the temperatures get too warm
- A few experiments will be tried this year to discourage bugs that are harmful to our vegetable crops.
- Radishes (never harvested) planted around cucumbers to deter the cucumber beetles.
- Nasturtiums to deter the cabbage loopers.
- Cucumbers will be growing on arches this year.
- We will be planting some dwarf tomato plants to see how they perform.
- Chicken pellets will be used for summer crops as a soil builder and fertilizer.
- Our flowers provide beauty but also have other purposes:
- Our flowers bring the pollinators and beneficial bugs to the garden.
- Some of our flowers are cut and given to food pantries. They bring joy to those who receive them and make us SMILE.
- Provide host plants for different types of pollinators. Some of our flowers(e.g. parsley, dill and milkweed) demonstrate the cycles of the butterfly and other pollinators
- This year’s vegetables include Garlic, Tomatoes, Beets, Hot Peppers, Potatoes, Cucumbers, Onions, Green Beans, Collards, Shallots, Dill, Kohlrabi, Sweet potatoes, and Radishes.
- Our Pollinator plants include bulb fennel, parsley, and butterfly weed.
- Our flowers include Zinnias (Benary Giant Mix colors), Gomphrena, Marigolds, Sunflowers, and Nasturtiums.
- “There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments” - Janet Kilburn Phillips
Garden Address
35230 W 135th St
Olathe, KS 66061
Master Gardeners are available to answer questions and provide tours while they work the gardens Wednesday mornings, March to October. To schedule a visit on another day (M-F), please contact us at
Have questions? The Garden Hotline is staffed by trained EMG volunteers and Extension staff who will assist you with questions.
Phone: (913) 715-7050