Nestbox Academy

The third annual Nextbox Academy took place on Saturday, February 1, 2025

Follow up handouts after the 2025 event.

About Nestbox Academy

The bluebird’s flash of plumage has become a common and welcome sight thanks in large part to the efforts of so many dedicated volunteers maintaining and monitoring nestboxes for these cavity nesters. But did you know that many other species benefit from nestboxes? From the brilliant Prothonotary warbler and chatty purple martin to the shy tufted titmouse and even one of our birds of prey, Nestbox Academy will explore the many species that use nestboxes, as well as how humans can protect their habitat.

As we get close to the start of another nesting season, we invite you to join us and learn something new! There will be presentations on monitoring basics, as well as more advanced sessions on different species.

You are free to pick amongst the presentations based on your interest. Snacks and beverages will be available throughout the morning. Between presentations, you will find information tables where you can learn about projects associated with Kansas natural resources.

Event Schedule


Registration in lobby









Keynote address:

3 Billion Birds Lost & What to Do about it

Jackie Augustine





Session 1

Room 1055

Bluebird 101


Room 1060

Uncovering Mystery of Purple Martin Migration

Bill Warnes

Room 1070

American Kestrel Project

Jim Walton




Session 3

Room 1055

Nest Box Predator Control

Jack Corrigan

Room 1060

Peeking on the Prothonotary

Ann Tanner

Room 1070

Conservation of Bird Habitat

Matt Garrett


Speakers, Titles, Descriptions:

Keynote: Jackie Augustine--3 Billion Birds Lost & What to Do about It

A recent study revealed that we have lost one in four individual birds since 1970, amounting to nearly 3 billion birds. However, not all species declined and some habitats experienced more declines than others. Dr. Jackie Augustine, Audubon of Kansas Executive Director, will explain how this was estimated, describe trends in the data with respect to species and habitats, and share ways you can prevent further losses in your own neighborhood and with your nestboxes.

Speaker TBA--Bluebird 101

This hands on session will walk through the how-to’s of monitoring nestboxes with opportunity for discussion and questions.

Jack Corrigan--Nest Box Predator Control

This presentation will cover methods and stategies to reduce nesting box predation. Nesting box construction, mounting, and placement, as well as add-on guards and tools will be shown and discussed.

Bill Warnes—Uncovering the Mystery of Purple Martin Migration

It is only within the past few years that the migration routes of the Purple Martin and other migratory birds have been discovered through the use of modern tracking devices. The session will discuss the Motus Wildlife Tracking System. It requires attaching a tracking device to the bird, and movements are tracked as it passes by a Motus Tower.

Ann Tanner--Peeking on the Prothonotary

This presentation will discuss Prothonotary Warblers’ population trends, range and migration pathways, and ongoing work to install nest boxes in wetlands in eastern Kansas and western Missouri. Learn about the local work to band and place barometric pressure geolocators on Prothonotary Warblers in partnership with Prothonotary Warbler Working Group Study out of Mississippi and Louisiana and how this information can be used in planning wind farms in the Gulf of Mexico.

Jim Walton--Small But Mighty: An Overview of the American Kestrel Project

You have seen mysterious boxes attached to poles along highways and backroads. Learn how American Kestrels have benefitted from these boxes over the years and some of the challenges this project faces.

Matt Garrett-- Building a County Conservation Success Story – The JCPRD Natural Resource Plan

JCPRD developed a natural resource plan in 2019 to better manage the almost 9,000 acres of natural areas in Johnson County. An update in 2024 focused on new restoration priorities. Learn about large scale habitat projects, wildlife research, public hunting, art residencies, and all the other innovative programs happening in JOCO.


This event is hosted by Extension Master Naturalists.
Learn more about the EMN Bluebird Steward program here.