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Johnson County

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11811 S. Sunset Drive
Suite 1500
Olathe, KS 66061

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8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

(913) 715-7000
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Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service

K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

4-H Projects in Johnson County Kansas

4-H offers a wide variety of subject matter through its many projects. Youth enrolled in community clubs will have the opportunity to take part in many of the projects with the assistance of a project leader. Project clubs will focus on one or two specific project areas and will provide a very in-depth look at the project.

Kansas 4-H Project Selection Guide

Kansas 4-H Project Resources

The Kansas 4-H site has a number of excellent resources for projects. Check out the project pages and the library of publications to see what materials are available.

Countywide Projects

There are project leaders that lead countywide project meetings open to all 4-H members. For more information click Countywide Projects.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q- How many projects should a 4-H member enroll in?
A- There are no firm rules for how many projects a member should enroll in, however beginning members may want to limit their project selection to one or two for the first year. Older 4-H members may want to consider all obligations for their time as they select projects. Consider time commitments for school, extra curricular activities, work and social schedules.

Q- What if I don't see the project I am interested in on the list?
A- Let us know what project you are interested in, and we will do our best to try to accommodate for that. There is a self-determined project that those youth interested in something that is not on the list can be entered in.

Project Selection Guides

Select projects have project guides that will give you a more in-depth look at what the project has to offer. Just click the following project title to view the project guides. We are working to create guides for the project that don't currently have them. 

Animal Science


Learn all aspects of the beef industry by raising a market steer or building your own herd by raising heifers and cows.

Dairy Cattle

Got milk or ever wonder about the power of cheese? Spend a little time with the animal that creates all of this goodness. Members learn more about dairy animals and caring for and raising one. Members usually start with a heifer or a yearling heifer. Older members may start with a producing cow.

Dairy Goats

Did you know goat milk is used for human consumption? In fact more people in the world drink goat milk than cow milk, although in the U.S. the opposite is true. Dairy goats are a great project for members to learn about agriculture around the world and in your own backyard. Members may start with a doe and then raise kids to create their own dairy goat herd. Learn more

Dog Care and Training

This project is for youth who are interested in learning more about dogs, how to care for a dog and how to train a dog in basic or advanced commands. Any kind of dog may be used in this unique project that is not designed to conform to AKC or other professional standards. Members without dogs may wish to participate in quiz bowls, conferences and other activities that do not require dog ownership. 


If you love horses, then this project is for you! You will have the opportunity to learn about, handle, care for and ride horses. Members may own or lease a horse, but must have complete access to the horse at any time and must provide full care and management 75% of the time, whether owned or leased. "Horseless Horse" members do not own or lease a horse, but participate in judging, quiz bowls, hippology, presentations and may help with horse shows and trail rides. 

Meat Goats

The 4-H meat goat project is designed for members who are interested in learning more about raising meat goats. The meat goat project is quickly growing with an increasing demand for meat products. Learn how to select, raise and care for a meat goat. 


Whether you're a fish, hamster or a cat lover, this project is intended for members to learn more about their household friends. You will focus on the hand or aquarium pets or cats as you learn about the different species and how to keep them healthy. You will have the chance to be creative and design a toy for your pet, create a commercial or even a scavenger hunt.


This project is designed to help you learn about chickens and other poultry. You will acquire an understanding of scientific poultry management and marketing practices. You will gain business experience and insight into the values and principles of purchasing, marketing, record keeping and exhibiting poultry. 


The rabbit project will help you learn how to raise and care for your rabbits. It is suggested that you start with a doe and extend the project each year. 


The sheep project will help you learn more about the sheep industry. You will learn how to care for and feed a market lamb or build your own breeding flock. 


Feed out a market hog or start your own breeding herd by enrolling in the swine project. Learn to select and judge quality animals and meat products. 

Communication & Expressive Arts


Youth will learn to interpret verbal and nonverbal information, develop effective public speaking skills, enhance written and spoken communication, defend a point, or design a presentation.

Performing Arts

Do you enjoy being in the spotlight? Do you like to be creative while performing on-stage or setting up backstage? Then you should jump into this project! You will learn to express yourself in front of a crowd either on-stage, backstage, as a puppeteer or writing your own script.


Capture your friends and important events through photography. Learn about basic and advanced cameras and how to plan, compose, light and exhibit your photos. Advance into wide-angle and telephoto lenses, filters, light meters and computer enhancement. 

Visual Arts

This project combines the likes of drawing, painting and working with clay or leather. You will explore art techniques, study art history and culture and discover artistic challenges. Develop your artistic skills and talents while learning the elements and principles of design. 

Consumer & Family Science

Clothing & Textiles

This project will introduce you to a whole new world of options with outfits, clothing and accessories. The clothing construction phase will teach you the basics like sewing a shirt or putting a zipper in a pair of pants. The advanced units will teach you how to take the design of your choice and customize it for the perfect look, color and fit. Buymanship will give you that edge on planning a budget for an outfit, choosing between different shades of colors and analyzing clothing advertisements. Members may participate in the Fashion Review to model either their clothing construction or Buymanship items.

Family Studies

4-H members will learn about their own growth and development as well as that of others in the Family Studies project. It will help youth learn about children of different ages and appropriate activities that help children grow and develop physically, socially, mentally and emotionally. Youth will learn about building family strengths to nurture children. Learn more

Fiber Arts

Have you ever wondered how your grandmother crocheted that scarf for you or embroidered the pillowcases? Have you looked at the quilt on your mother's bed and wondered how it was made? The Fiber Arts is defined as the practical skills passed down from preceding generations that were developed to provide basic family needs, such as apparel, home furnishings or decorations. 

Foods & Nutrition

In this project, you will have fun learning how to cook the basics and then advance to gourmet and international meals. You will learn the heritage of many foods as well as consumer buying skills to get the most for your money. In addition, you will learn how to make healthy snacks and modify your recipes to fit a healthy lifestyle. Learn more

Health & Wellness

Health, exercise and recreation are vital parts of our daily lives. You can focus on physical activity, healthy eating, exercise, sports and recreation or first aid in relation to any of the other phases. 

Home Environment

This project gives you the opportunity to examine space, both inside and out. Decorating a room, experimenting with colors and different types and patterns on your walls and creating the feeling of coziness in a family room are all part of this project. Being an interior designer is all about making a house a home, and the Home Environment project will give you this opportunity.

Engineering & Technology

Energy Management

Learn important general electrical concepts as you experiment with making a light switch, testing voltages and even build motors. Study energy use, magnetism, electronics and transistors. Learn how small engines work and how to keep them working or discover the power of the wind! Learn about where the wind blows and how its power can be used for sailing, lifting, pumping water and creating electricity.  


This project will help young people learn how to build rockets and robots and explore space through astronomy. There are also opportunities to learn more about GPS and GIS. Experience the thrill of setting off rockets, building robots and geo-caching. Learn about computers and how you can apply them in 4-H. 


This project requires that you enjoy working with wood, using tools and building things. Can you see yourself building a table, a wood toy or a chair? As a beginning woodworker, you can build many items. As your skills grow, you will be able to make most of the objects in your house or even help build a home! 

Leadership & Personal Development


The Citizenship project is designed to help members find out more about themselves, family, friend, community and world. The project will lead to opportunities for meeting people and working with groups. Learn about other countries and cultures. Learn more

Exploring 4-H

This project is for first and second year members. It's a great way to "explore" 4-H projects without enrolling in all of them. Members will be exposed to numerous project areas with the guidance of older members and adult helpers. 


Are you ready to step up to leadership? This project will bring out the best in you. You will learn about the skills it takes to be a leader such as: understanding yourself, communicating, getting along with others, learning, making decisions, plus managing and working with groups. 


Do you enjoy a good book? Do you like to read and study other project areas in 4-H? Check into the phases of the 4-H Reading project.


The self-determined project is just that - you decide what you do or study. Is there something you have a passion for that is not included in the 4-H project listing? Then, this is your opportunity to create your own project. Research a sport, hobby or career - the sky is the limit! 

Natural Resources


Have you chased butterflies or caught a ladybug to get a closer look? Do you think collecting bugs is a great way to spend your time? Then the 4-H Entomology project is right up your alley. Youth will learn about the world of insects in soil, on plants, in homes, on pets and other secret places. 


Did you find a rock at the park and don't know what kind it is? What about fossils? If you would like to learn more about rocks, minerals and fossils, then dive into the Geology project! Discover the types of minerals, rocks and fossils that can be found where you live. Learn about geological formations across the state and in other states. 

Shooting Sports

Whether you have an air rifle, .22 rifle, shotgun, air pistol or bow and arrow, the shooting sports project teaches you gun safety, hunting skills and the opportunity to test your skills. If you have an interest in guns and/or hunting in any form, this project is the best way to learn about them. Check with your local extension office for the availability of certified leaders before enrolling. Learn more


Kansas wildlife is a large part of our state ranging from buffalo to birds to fish to deer and more. In this project you will learn about wildlife behavior, habitat requirements, how wildlife species fit into nature's scheme, how they are managed, and how they relate to humans. 

Plant & Environmental Science
Plant Science

This project focuses on activities related to raising a garden, flowers, forestry and field crops. This includes planning, planting, experimenting and understanding soils, seeds, insects, plant care, harvesting, weed identification and control, processing, exploring careers and the relationship between trees, people and communities. 

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Contact Us

Lexi Ray
4-H/Youth Development Agent

Cyla Gardner
4-H/Youth Development Agent

Nancy Carr
School Enrichment Coordinator

Christin Bartels
Office Professional