Who We Are
Our Mission
We are dedicated to a safe, sustainable, competitive food and fiber system and to strong healthy communities, families, and youth through integrated research, analysis, and education.
Local Mission
K-State Extension, Johnson County is an organization of dedicated, passionate, hardworking staff who collaborate and connect people with university supported education, resources, and services – through volunteers, community, and partner organizations.
K-State Research and Extension — Cooperative Extension Service
All universities engage in research and teaching. But the 100 land-grant colleges and universities across the country have a third critical mission — extension.
The national Cooperative Extension Service was created with the passage of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914. The service was created to assure that research-based knowledge developed by the land-grant universities got delivered to the people at the county level.
Along with research and teaching, land-grant institutions “extend” their resources through non-formal, non-credit educational programs.
Johnson County, Kansas
As the local branch of Kansas State University Research and Extension (Kansas' land-grant university), this Extension Office has served Johnson County citizens since 1917.
We have access to the latest science, research and technology on subjects in five program areas. Our agents are university faculty. Their role is to encourage the application of this research-based information to help improve the quality of life for our residents.
We make the university’s expertise available to you and help you apply it to your needs. You can trust that the information we provide is
- Research-based
- Expert
- Presented without bias
What We Do
We provide answers!
We offer you accurate information through classes & events, K-State publications, e-Newsletters and more.
Our office is committed to serving you, and our agents are always glad to answer your questions.
So give us a call. Send us an email. Stop by and say hi!
If we don't know the answer, we'll track it down and present you with accurate, researched-based information you can trust and use to make informed decisions that are best for you and your family.
Annual Reports
Learn more about our work.
Gather more tips on gardening, health & nutrition, youth & community development, and more!