The Power of Extension Volunteers

gardenersThe Johnson County Extension office provides our high level of service thanks to the assistance and dedication from our volunteers. A passionate and hardworking group, our volunteers are pillars that continue to improve the lives of Johnson County citizens through research-based, accurate, and unbiased Extension educational programming.

2023 Volunteer Highlights

We had 1,137 total volunteers in 2023! This special group recorded 109,733 total volunteer hours in the calendar year.

At $28.50 per hour (based on the Independent Sector 2022 for Kansas wages), that amounts to $3,127,390.50 in total value to Johnson County citizens.

volunteer teachingExtension Master Food Volunteers

  • 81 volunteers
  • 7,935 total hours

Extension Master Gardeners

  • 459 volunteers
  • 66,666 total hours

Extension Master Naturalists

  • 186 volunteers
  • 8,735 total hours

4-H Youth Developmentvita

  • 288 volunteers
  • 21,600 total hours

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

  • 45 volunteers
  • 3,011 total hours

Sunset Community Garden

  • 22 volunteers
  • 1,500 total hours

mill creek volunteerFamily and Community Education

  • 54 volunteers
  • 327 total hours

Olathe Quilters Guild

  • 2 volunteers
  • 25 total hours

Source: 2023 Annual Report

Want to Volunteer?

If you are interested in sharing your skills and passion for education, we want to hear from you! Check out our volunteer opportunities and how you can get involved.