April Garden Calendar

Vegetables and Fruits

  • Start fruit tree spray schedule when growth begins
  • Plant carrots, onions, beets and other salad crops in early April
  • Thin radishes, beets and carrots as needed
  • Harvest asparagus until spear size decreases.
  • Prune fruit trees if not already done
  • Plant new fruit trees
  • Plant asparagus and rhubarb
  • Remove mulch from strawberry bed
  • Prune raspberry and blackberry plantings
  • Do not spray insecticides while fruits flower in order to protect the honeybees
  • Plant beans, corn, vine crops in late April
  • Cultivate to control seedling weed growth
  • Turn the compost pile after a long winter rest
  • Transplant broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage in the garden
  • Fertilize vegetable garden before planting and incorporate


  • Remove winter mulch from perennial garden
  • Cut back last year's growth from perennials
  • Remove seed heads from spring bulbs
  • Do not remove foliage from spring flowering bulbs as growth is needed for next year's flowers
  • Fertilize spring flowering bulbs
  • Add organic matter such as compost before planting new flowers
  • Divide perennials
  • Plant new roses
  • Prune rose bushes
  • Fertilize rose bushes for spring growth
  • Plant annuals from seed and transplants


  • Apply crabgrass control by mid month
  • Mow lawn as needed, bluegrass 2", tall fescue 3"
  • Fertilize cool season lawns with slow release nitrogen fertilizer
  • Do not fertilize zoysia this early in spring, nutrients go to weeds not dormant grass
  • Spot treat broadleaf weeds such as dandelions, henbit, and chickweed
  • Check mower and make needed repairs before season begins
  • Sharpen mower blade
  • No need to catch grass clippings if mowing frequently
  • Do not water unless extremely dry, early irrigation sets turf up as high water user in summer

Trees and Shrubs

  • Prune spring flowering shrubs such forsythia and lilac after flowering
  • Prune trees as needed, and repair winter storm damage
  • Topping is not pruning, never top a tree
  • Plant new trees and shrubs
  • Remove grass from base of young trees and shrubs to prevent lawn mower and line trimmer damage
  • Apply mulch layer around plants
  • Keep new trees and shrubs watered
  • Fertilize young trees to promote growth

House Plants

  • Remove winter dust from leaves by gently rinsing with room temperature water
  • Repot as needed, increase pot size by 1"
  • Leach excess fertilizers from soil with water
  • Begin summer fertilization of plants
  • Do not move plants outside until night temperatures remain over 60 degrees
  • Propagate house plants by cuttings or divisions
  • Fertilize amaryllis and keep in bright light to encourage new leaves

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Phone: (913) 715-7050

Email: garden.help@jocogov.org