Family and Community Education (FCE)

The Kansas Association for Family and Community Education works with K-State Research and Extension to enrich Kansas families through educational programs, leadership development and community service. Family Consumer Sciences Agents act as advisors to FCE.

The mission of Family and Community Education is strengthening individuals, families and communities through: CONTINUING EDUCATION, DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP and COMMUNITY ACTION.

FCE Units

Johnson County FCE is an affiliate of the Kansas Organization and part of the National FCE Organization. FCE Units are groups of people who learn together. Each unit determines topics of interest and members participate in planning and presenting programs to the community or to individuals. FCE program leaders are provided training through K-State, which is passed to the individual units. The 97 Johnson County FCE members learn and volunteer together to improve the lives of their families, individuals and community.

The Johnson County FCE Units support various philanthropies throughout the County.

Annual County Events

Annually, members participate in:

  • Leadership & Educational Workshops
  • Spring Tea Recognition Event

KS FCE logo

Contact Us

(913) 715-7000