August Garden Calendar

Vegetables and Fruits

  • Water about 1 inch per week
  • Plant a fall garden: beets, carrots, beans, and turnips for autumn harvest
  • Plant transplants of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage for fall production
  • Harvest crops on a regular basis for season long production
  • Ease fruit loads on branches by propping with wooden supports
  • Net ripening fruit to protect from hungry birds
  • Fertilize strawberry bed for added flower bud development
  • Turn compost pile and add water when dry


  • Apply 1 to 1 ½ inches of water per week to gardens
  • Divide irises and daylilies during this dormant period
  • Make last application of fertilizer to roses by mid-month
  • Control black spot and other rose diseases
  • Fertilize mums, hardy asters, and other fall blooming perennials
  • Deadhead annuals to encourage late season blossoms
  • Cut back and fertilize annuals to produce new growth and fall blooms
  • Sow hollyhocks, poppies, and larkspur for spring blooms
  • Prepare for fall bulb planting by making orders or researching varieties
  • Take cuttings from geraniums and begonias for wintering indoors


  • Water bluegrass one to two times, per week, applying a total of about 1 ½ inches of water
  • Water tall fescue one to two times, per week, applying a total of 1 inch of water
  • Apply last application of fertilizer to Zoysia by mid-month
  • Be on the lookout for grubs and apply proper control methods
  • Start planning for fall renovation projects such as aerating and seeding
  • Check sharpness of mower blades and repair
  • Mow turf as needed depending on summer growth
  • Destroy unwanted Zoysia and Bermuda grass
  • Take a soil test to determine a fertility program

Trees and Shrubs

  • Water young trees every 1 to 2 weeks by thoroughly soaking the root system
  • Prune and shape hedges
  • Check mulch layers and add more if needed
  • Prune broken, dead or crossing limbs for healthier plants
  • Check young trees and shrubs for girdling wires, and ropes from planting and remove
  • Avoid fertilizing ornamentals now so they harden off before winter
  • Hand remove bagworms


  • Water houseplants regularly and fertilize to promote growth
  • Check plants for insects such as scales, aphids, and spider mites
  • Wash plants to remove dust layers
  • Make cuttings and repot plants before summer sun slips away

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Phone: (913) 715-7050
