Johnson County 4-H Program Development Committee

Function: Strong local extension programs are the outcome of a partnership between Extension agents and members of the local Program Development Committee or PDC.

Kansas Extension county and district laws require four program development committees with six or more members serving on each committee. Committees focus on four core areas: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Community Development, Family and Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development.

Our Johnson County 4-H PDC assists the 4-H Team throughout the year in regards to programming. We work together to brainstorm ideas and solutions for the wants and needs of the 4-H program. Our PDC is comprised of Johnson County residents that have ties to the youth development field and 4-H program; as well as the overall Extension system.

Johnson County 4-H PDC Members:

Sara Eccles

My family joined 4H in 2007 and my boys aged out just last year. During their time in 4H, I was a community leader for our local club and became a countywide project leader for shooting sports which I continue to do. I also serve as the entomology superintendent for the county fair.

Emalie Murdoch

I am a club leader for Oxford Hustlers 4-H Club as well as the superintendent of General Banners/posters/Wildlife/shooting sport for the county. I am in the Medical field currently, with a Doctorate as a Nurse Practioner. I am a previous Saline County 4-H'er.

Jennifer Olberding

My experience with K-State Research and Extension began when I enrolled in 4-H when I was 7 years old. I continued to be an active 4-H member through graduation and then participated in Collegiate 4-H at Kansas State University for 4 years. I began my association with Johnson County Research and Extension by serving as a judge at both the Johnson County Fair and 4-H Club Day as a judge for demonstrations and illustrated talks. I am currently a 4-H parent, club and project leader, and volunteer. I continue to look for ways to be involved in K-State Research and Extension at both the county and state levels.

Luke Garrison

I have served as a judge for Johnson County 4-H events of photography and multiple 4-H Days events encompassing career aspiration speeches, demonstrations, and gavel games. My vision is for Johnson County Research and Extension is to continue growing in both breadth and depth of impact. Return 4-H participation to previous levels by offering new projects and engagement mechanisms. Furthermore, develop additional depth of programming and incentives to keep youth involved in Johnson County 4-H and Extension.

Why is it important to you to serve on the Johnson County Extension 4-H PDC?
It's important to me to make an impact on the youth development program. While volunteering with the youth one-on-one provides great interaction and impact, the 4-H PDC can guide the strategy and broader reach of the 4-H program.

What impact do you feel the 4-H PDC has on the JoCo 4-H program as a whole?
Guidance and Strategy for continued retention and growth of the JoCo 4-H program!

What is something that you are excited about for the coming year as a 4-H PDC Member?
Assisting in creating ideas and thought leadership on how we can improve the program.

Jennifer Anderson

As a Johnson County Park & Recreation District employee in the Children's Services Department, I have had the opportunity to partner in various ways with K-State Extension, mostly through the Kansas Enrichment Network. I look forward to contributing to the education and development of all Johnson County youth.

Why is it important to you to serve on the Johnson County Extension 4-H PDC?
Serving the youth and families in our community has been a priority for me my entire adult life. It’s been my passion professionally, and I am now at a point in my life that I want to do more. The involvement that I’ve had with KSRE and 4-H, both professionally and personally, has been extremely positive and fits beautifully with my philosophy on youth development. I’m excited to lend my perspective to this group and continue learning about this important work.

What made you interested in serving on the JoCo 4-H PDC?
As a new member, I’m looking forward to learning about the current 4-H programs and working toward continued opportunities to enrich the lives of youth in our community.

What is something that you are excited about for the coming year as a 4-H PDC Member?
I’m most looking forward to learning about the organization and its programs, and finding ways that I can contribute to the overall success.

Rhen Schmitt

My vision is for members to be excited to try new projects and activities. I want members to step outside their comfort zone to find new interests and passions. In this journey, my hope is for members to grow confidence in their abilities through strengthening their skills in communication and self-discipline while having fun. I have a lot of interest in learning how 4-H operates behind the scenes, and I'd love to incorporate some of my ideas and 4-H experience outside of Johnson County into the program here and watch it grow. As this is my first formal volunteer experience with youth engagement since I left Indiana, I look forward to working directly with people as passionate about 4-H as I am.

Contact Us

Lexi Ray
4-H/Youth Development Agent

Nancy Carr
School Enrichment Coordinator

Christin Bartels
Office Professional

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