Building Tomorrow's Leaders: The Impact of 4-H Civic Engagement

Kansas 4-H is shaping the next generation of leaders through its Civic Engagement project and Citizenship in Action (CIA) event. These programs are more than just activities for youth, they’re an investment in the future of our communities. By teaching members about teamwork, leadership, and the legislative process, 4-H empowers youth to understand the power of their voice and the impact they can have.

4-H Civic Engagement builds well-informed, responsible citizens. Through these programs, youth explore civic affairs, learn about the importance of voting, and develop essential decision-making skills. Along the way, they gain confidence in connecting with others, solving problems, and advocating for positive change. Whether they’re organizing elections, working on community service projects, or discussing state and local issues, 4-H members gain a deep understanding of their role in society and how they can contribute.

The Citizenship in Action (CIA) event, held annually in February at the Kansas State Capitol, takes this learning even further. Over two days, youth explore how government works, tour the Capitol, and engage with state leaders. The event is a powerful reminder that anyone, regardless of age, has the ability to influence decisions and contribute to their communities. Through 4-H, Citizenship In Action, and the Civic Engagement project - youth are beyond ready to grow into confident, empowered leaders who can make lasting change.

If you are interested in learning more about Johnson County 4-H projects and events, check out the 4-H Youth Development page or contact your local 4-H Agents.

Building Tomorrows Leaders graphic


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