Farm Financial Help: Kansas Ag Mediation Service

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Drought stricken corn fieldIt doesn’t take long for farm economics to change. The combination of weather and commodity prices can change a profitable crop or livestock operation into a losing one in no time. That’s been the case with crop enterprises over the past two years. What had been several years of across the board profits for corn, soybeans, wheat, and grain sorghum, has turned into just the opposite. 2014 Kansas Farm Management crop returns were all negative and the soon to be released 2015 numbers are expected to be the same.

The result of a couple years of negative income may leave you wondering how to make some changes. Should you change your cropping mix, expand a livestock operation, or consider a transition from farming, especially if you’re nearing retirement? Those are all significant questions that deserve close scrutiny and careful consideration. And I think a great resource to help guide you is our Kansas Ag Mediation Service (KAMS).

KAMS is really a variety of services including mediation, financial counseling, legal assistance, and farm and ranch succession. KAMS works with financial analysts from the K-State Research and Extension farm analyst program, Kansas Legal Services attorneys and certified mediators to better aid the agricultural community of Kansas. KAMS helps anyone from an individual dealing with stress, a farmer looking for job placement to a family needing dispute and conflict resolution. To find out how KAMS can serve you in your current situation or help resolve issues you are facing please call the KAMS hotline, 800-321-3276.
Written by Juju Wellemeyer