Herbicide Help
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Controlling weeds is almost always a challenge. When do you control them? What do you treat them with? What are the specific label requirements? Most of these questions can be answered with a little bit of help from some good resources.
K-State puts together a comprehensive herbicide publication each year called Chemical Weed Control for Field Crops, Pastures, Rangeland, and Noncropland. The latest version is available on-line at https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/chemweedguide.pdf.
You can use this resource to see what herbicides are labeled for a given crop and for a particular timing (pre-emerge or post-emerge). Once that is narrowed down, look for more specific information the label for recommended rates and restrictions.
There are additional online label sources for more information:
Also, K-State Research and Extension Agronomy weed management has all these links and more in one spot.
Written by Juju Wellemeyer