Making sure you are prepared for winter

For the most part, we have had a mild beginning to winter. With the way this year has gone, truly preparing for cold temperatures and snowy weather may have slipped your mind. Here are some things to make sure you have wrapped up before old man winter truly shows his face!

Make sure hoses are disconnected from outside spigots and faucets, and that an insulative cover has been place on the fixture to help prevent frozen pipes. Check for good insulation on all other pipes in exterior walls.

Now that we have had a touch of colder temps and winter wind, check all doors and windows to find any drafty leaks. Replace seals that have a gap. This will save money on heating bills and give a head start for any spring insects that might want to find their way inside.

Store firewood outdoors and away from the house. Mice and other critters can make their homes in wood piles and letting them lean against the home makes for an easy way for those critters to come inside.

Inspect and clean chimneys and fireplaces, and service your furnace so that your heat source can keep up with a long cold spell.

Before a winter storm is forecasted, be sure to have your shovel, a supply of ice melt and other winter cleanup items ready. We know that store shelves can clear out quickly in the face of an upcoming challenge.

Preparing for winter weather can be a chore, but being ready for winter weather is worth the extra effort.

Written by Juju Wellemeyer