Recipe of the Month: Overnight Springtime Oatmeal

Serves 1

IngredientsPhotograph of springtime oatmeal

1/4 cup dry rolled oats
2 Tbsp. chia seeds
2 Tbsp. plain Greek yogurt
1/2 scoop protein powder
2/3 cup milk (or milk alternative)
Sweeten as desired using honey, agave nectar, stevia or Splenda.


  • In a tall 20 oz. glass; add the oats, chia, yogurt, and protein powder.
  • Add the milk to cover all ingredients well, stir to combine.
  • Add the flavor ingredients of choice and sweeten to taste.
  • Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight.

TipsNutrition Facts for oatmeal

  • Mix it up and try different fruits! Try strawberries, bananas, or peaches. Frozen fruits and dried fruit can also be used!
  • When using milk, use 1% or skim and if using unsweetened almond or soy milk, which is thicker, increase to 3/4 cup.
  • Add in almonds or walnuts for different flavor options.
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons of flax seeds or nut butter for an extra boost of nutrition.

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