Recipe of the Month: Mixed Berry Jam

Makes about 6 half-pint jars

jar of berry jamIngredients

4 cups crushed berries (Mix and match your favorite berries!)
4.5 tablespoons RealFruit Classic Pectin
3 cups sugar


Preparing the Jars:

  • Wash jars and lids with warm soapy water. Set lids aside.
  • Prepare boiling water bath canner.
  • Place clean jars in simmering water until ready to use. Do NOT boil.

Making the Jam:

  • Combine crushed mixed berries into a large stockpot over high heat.
  • Slowly stir in pectin and bring mixture to full rolling boil that cannot be stirred down. Stir constantly.
  • Add sugar, stirring to dissolve.
  • Bring mixture to full rolling boil. Boil hard for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
  • Skim foam off top, if necessary.

Canning the Jam:

  • Ladle hot jam into hot jars one at a time. Leave 1/4 inch headspace. Wipe rims.
  • Place lids on jars and gently tighten band.
  • Place jars in hot water canner. Bring water to a rolling boil and process for 10 minutes. Remember to adjust for altitude!
  • Turn off heat, remove lid, let jars stand for 5 minutes.
  • Remove jars from canner and let cool for 12-24 hours.
  • Check to make sure lids sealed. If they did not, place jars in refrigerator.

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