Day of Giving Back

Imagine if you could clean up your house and get rid of clutter, show someone that you care, gift small things to strangers, or in general improve the world. It is true that this day exists on July 15--National Give Something Away Day!

National Give Something Away Day encourages people to give freely to others without expecting anything in return. Is there a better way to make your day count than by making someone else happy? In addition to feeling peace and happiness, you strengthen relationships and have a positive impact on others when you make others happy.

photo of clothes hangingA 'Give Something Away' activity might include buying a meal or drink for someone or paying for someone behind you in line. Flowers are a simple way to brighten someone's day with color, smell, and a little greenery to bring nature to their desk or table.

We can also consider passing on things that no longer fit us or are useful to us. American households have way more items than they need; on average, they have 300,000 items. There is a feeling of lightness when you give things away. Your life becomes simpler and more free when you get rid of things. Stress is reduced when there is less clutter. The less stuff you have, the less worry you will have, and the better you will feel. It can be enjoyable or fulfilling for someone to receive items that you've passed along.

Think of July 15 as your annual reminder to take an honest look at what you have, consider what you need, then give something away.

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