Halloween Safety: Simple, Not Spooky

By Joy Miller | Family & Community Wellness Agent

Whether your Halloween plans are for kids or adults, there is plenty to consider before choosing a costume, putting on makeup, and eating a bag full of treats. To help you and your loved ones enjoy a safe and happy Halloween, here are some tips.

Costume Safety

Before Halloween arrives, be sure to choose a costume that will not cause safety hazards.

  • All costumes, wigs, hats, and accessories should be fire-resistant. Look for a “flame resistant” label. If you make your costume, use flame-resistant fabrics.
  • Costumes and accessories should not be too big or too small to avoid tripping or falling. Avoid extra fabric, extra length, over-sized sleeves or wearing parent’s shoes.
  • Masks should fit well, test for full visibility out of the eye holes and proper breathability.
  • Makeup can be a great alternative to masks, but always test 24 to 48 hours in advance. Put a small amount on the arm of the person who will be wearing it. Monitor for a rash, redness, swelling or other signs of irritation develop. Do not use products that are not intended to be used on the face.
  • Minimize accessories, too many extras can be distracting. When choosing accessories, think safety first. An example is substituting a soft fabric sword for a heavier wooden one with a sharp tip.
  • Do not use decorative or colored contact lenses that alter the look or color of your eyes due to the risk of eye injury.

When They are on the Prowl

Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by vehicles on Halloween night. Lack of visibility because of low lighting at night increases the likely hood.

  • Add strips of reflective tape so your trick or treater will be more visible.
  • Carry glow sticks or flashlights so drivers can more easily see you.
  • A responsible adult should accompany young children during their adventure.
  • Use crosswalks wherever possible.
  • Older children who will be going alone, plan and review a route acceptable to you.
  • Agree on a specific time children should return home.
  • Teach your children to never enter a stranger’s car or home.
  • Instruct children to travel only in familiar, well-lit areas and stick with their friends.
  • Discourage inexperienced driver’s from driving on Halloween.

Safe Treats

Eating sweet treats is a big part of Halloween fun.

  • Eat a snack before heading out to avoid the temptation of nibbling on a treat before it has been inspected.
  • Inspect candy before eating. Check the contents of their bags and buckets and make sure all candy is properly sealed. It is best to wait until you get home to indulge so you have better light to properly inspect each item.
  • Parents of very young children should remove any choking hazards such as gum, peanuts, hard candies, or small toys from the Halloween bags.
  • In case of a food allergy, check the label to ensure the allergen is not present. You might also not consider accepting or eat anything that is not commercially wrapped.
  • Enjoy the candy but encourage common sense. To help balance sweets, pair it with a glass of milk for added protein and calcium.

Have a great Halloween!