Kids + Homework = Success

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homeworkEvery parent wants their child to do their best in school. A big part of that success begins at home. If your child is having to bring home homework each night, there are several things that you can do to support a positive learning environment. One of the best things you can do as a parent is to approach homework with a positive outlook. Your attitude and commitment to seeing their success is a crucial part of the equation. Here are several ideas that can help.

  1. Schedule a time for homework

    You have time set for bed and meals, so why not set a time for homework? Making homework part of your daily routine helps children to see it as a part of life. Be sure to choose a time that works best for them. Some youth can come home from school and dive into their books while others may need some time to run and play before they can settle down to tackle their homework.
  2. Create a space to study

    Choose a space in your home that is free of distraction from TV, radio, noise etc. Make sure this spot has good lighting and is comfortable. Work with other family members to keep this a noise free zone during study time. If possible engage them in quiet activities like coloring or puzzles.
  3. Stock up on basic school supplies

    Keep extra school supplies around so there is no excuse not to get their homework completed. A box or basket with pencils, pens, glue, scissors, markers, paper, colored pencils and crayons are useful.
  4. Develop a system to keep track of assignments and projects

    Many schools use an electronic system for parents to track their students’ progress, but don’t forget to look for paper notes and other information that may come home in their backpack. It needs to be checked every day to make sure you don’t miss anything. If you seem to be missing information, chat with the teacher to make sure you know when to expect daily, weekly or quarterly reports. Start a line of communication with your child’s teacher to make sure you are both working together on any issues that may crop up.
  5. Only help your child with their home work when needed

    Kids will not learn and master the work if they don’t so it themselves.
  6. Check over all homework and have your child correct any mistakes

    This is your chance to turn their mistake into a positive learning experience!
  7. Always encourage your child to do their best and offer praise for papers and projects that are brought home

    Be sure to display their good work in a special place for everyone to see.

Remember that with a little planning and implementation of some time management tools, your child can have a successful school year.

Source: Kim Reid, Extension Agent, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service

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Denise Dias
Family and Consumer Sciences Agent