March Financial Check In

By Joy Miller | Family & Community Wellness Agent

“A good financial plan is a road map that shows us exactly how the choices we make today will affect our future.” ― Alexa Von Tobel

Advance Healthcare Directive

To do: Create or update your Advance Healthcare Directive. An Advance Healthcare Directive allows you to document your specific wishes concerning medical treatments in an emergency or during end-of-life health care. In an Advance Healthcare Directive you will also designate an agent or health care power of attorney to make healthcare decisions on your behalf in case you are rendered incapable of making your wishes known.

Documents: MF3280 Advance Health Care Planning in Kansas (

Tax Refund Plan

To do: Make a plan to use a percentage of your tax return to pay down debt, boost savings, and/or give to someone in need. For example, you may choose to allocate 25% to high interest debt, 25% to savings, and/or 10% to someone in need or a cause you care about. Whatever you decide, make your money work for you!

Worksheet: Tax Time Worksheet: Make the most of your tax refund. (

March 21st Debt Awareness Week

To do: Debt getting in your way? Get a handle on it by getting a picture of your debt, order your credit report, prioritize debt and set repayment goals, and plan how to avoid additional debt.

Workbook: Booklets to help talk about money | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (

Sign up: Power Pay PowerPay: Debt Reduction Tool | USU

Don’t bust your budget

To do: Review this month’s budget and plan for the irregular or periodic expenses such as Saint Patrick’s Day, spring break, tax preparation services, income tax liabilities, birthdays, and anniversaries.

Learning opportunities.

Sign up: Review our calendar and register for upcoming classes and events at Classes and Events | Johnson County (

Medicare: An In-Depth Look -March 14th

Check Your Credit e-mail course

Sources: Principal 2023 financial calendar; LearnLux 2023 Workplace Wellbeing Calendar; Utah State University Extension Utah Money Moms 2023 Finance Calendar