Saving Money When Prices are High

When using items, ask yourself: How can I make this resource last? How can I use it more efficiently?

Conserving resources reduces waste. Try to get the most use or satisfaction out of each trip in the car, each use of the stove, each load in the washing machine, and each clothing dollar. Study use and care manuals. Learn to do your own basic maintenance. Encourage family members to be “watchdogs” for themselves and each other to eliminate any careless or wasteful use. Try to recycle and repair rather than replace.

Reduce waste whenever possible. Many consumers throw away items such as pencils, paper, and personal care products before they are used up. Avoiding food waste is another area of potential savings.


  • Plan menus using lower cost foods. Think beans, casseroles and soups.
  • When grocery shopping, compare the cost per serving/unit.
  • Buy seasonal produce.
  • Consider imperfect or “ugly” produce when it meets your needs.
  • Use frozen fruits and vegetables when fresh is unavailable.
  • Use specials and coupons when they save you money.
  • Buy generic or store brands.
  • Substitute less costly transportation — walk, bike, and carpool.
  • Maintain your car to avoid costly repairs or replacement.
  • Shop around for interest rates and financing terms.
  • Consider location, cost of operation, taxes, and appreciation in your housing purchase.
  • For household furnishings, shop sales, yard sales, rent, or share equipment or services.
  • Compare energy savings in your housing purchase.
  • Plan your clothing purchases.
  • Modify existing clothing.
  • Buy clothing when on sale.
  • Shop yard sales or resale shops for clothing.
  • Sew at home.


  • Package food carefully in airtight containers.
  • Store perishable foods promptly in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Use fresh foods promptly to reduce spoilage.
  • Pay attention to dates on food packages to use older foods first.
  • Use leftovers for lunch the next day.
  • Don’t overeat. Control portion sizes.
  • Save on fuel with good driving habits.
  • Consolidate trips.
  • Maintain vehicle and get recommended service.
  • Maintain your house with minor repairs.
  • Wash walls instead of painting.
  • Conserve energy with insulation, weather stripping, storm windows, or plastic.
  • Close doors and windows to retain heat.
  • Use fans to cool your home.
  • Reupholster or refinish furniture.
  • Keep clothes clean.
  • Follow care instructions.
  • Store clothes properly.
  • Protect leather items from water and salt.
  • Consider care costs with making purchase decisions.
  • Reuse and recycle.

Use Your Own Resources

  • “Brown bag” your lunch at work.
  • Entertain at home.
  • Plant a garden.
  • Preserve food by canning, freezing, or dehydrating.
  • Change oil, oil filter, anti-freeze, and wiper fluid.
  • Wash car yourself.
  • Do your own home repairs.
  • Rent out a room, garden, parking space.
  • Learn sewing skills.
  • Sell unwanted items online or through a garage sale.

Cooperate with Others

  • Form or join a food co-op.
  • Participate in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) operation.
  • Have potluck dinners.
  • Share home food preservation equipment.
  • Carpool or share rides.
  • Barter your skills and services.
  • Share housing.
  • Cooperate with others to “fix up” your homes.
  • Have family members cooperate on household tasks.
  • Raise money with a neighborhood sale.
  • Swap baby clothes, maternity clothes, sports equipment, etc.

Use Community Resources

  • Use parks, trails, and other recreational areas.
  • See if you qualify for SNAP benefits, the TANF

For more information, please go to

Under the Home & Family tab, “When Your Income Drops”

Contact Us

Joy Miller

Family and Community Wellness Agent