Smarter Holiday Shopping with your Smart Phone

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Holiday shopping can try everyone’s patience. Try these strategies for saving money and time, using your smart phone as a new shopping tool.

Make a list, and stick to it

  • Determine your holiday budget up front, not when you’re in the store or at a website, being bombarded with beautiful displays or screen pop-ups.
  • Use a note or document function on your phone to develop the list, and check off purchases you make.

Compare prices and find the best bargain before you hit the road

  • “Price Check” by Amazon, or are highly recommended resources to ensure you will get the best price on a gift you are shopping for, either on line, or at a brick & mortar store.

Scan a QR code with your phone

  • Get product reviews, information about where to purchase an item, and maybe even a money saving coupon.
  • QR codes are popping up nearly everywhere these days in magazines, newspaper ads, or posters in stores.

Google Goggles

  • Lets you snap a picture of an object like a book cover or a product container to search the web to alert you to the best price, location, and reviews.

Score a savings trifecta

  • When you purchase an item on sale, apply a dollar or percentage off coupon (if allowable by the merchant), and get free shipping on an item purchased on line.

Use the map and navigation apps on your smart phone

  • Plan your most efficient route between stores, to save time and gas, when patronizing a local merchant.

Find the lowest gas prices in your area

Use an app such as Expensify or Lemon to eliminate receipts paper clutter

  • Scanning receipts with these apps keeps an electronic copy handy, and lets you track spending, create spending report categories, and more.
  • You’ll even have the receipt handy if the item has to be returned to the store for a refund or exchange.

Use your calendar function

  • Remind yourself of an appointment for a break or lunch with a friend,
  • celebrate your savings success and
  • rejuvenate before heading out to wrap up your holiday shopping.

Contact Us

Denise Dias
Family and Consumer Sciences Agent