Smart Money Moves You Can Make Today

Register for the Check Your Credit Program now.

Did you know that one in five people have an error on at least one of their credit reports according to a study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission? A credit report is an explanation of an individual’s credit history. It is recommended that consumers check their credit reports annually. The three national credit reporting agencies are required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act to provide a consumer with a free copy of their credit report each year.

Credit is a tool many of us use to manage our financial lives, to achieve not only long-term goals, such as home ownership but also short-term goals, such as a vehicle.

  • Lenders and creditors use the information in this report when deciding whether to lend to us, how much credit to extend, and what interest rate to charge.
  • Landlords and utility companies use the information to make decisions about deposits.
  • Employers use the information prior to hiring or before allowing employees access to company-sponsored credit cards for company business expenses.

In addition, regularly checking your credit reports in one way to identify and guard against identity theft.

Take a step towards financial well-being today by signing up for Johnson County K-State Research and Extension’s “Check Your Credit” email program. We will remind you to check your credit report three times during the year on October 10, February 2, and June 6. You will also be sent emails with information about how to understand your credit report, correct errors, and use your credit report to your advantage. There is no cost to participate, and the registration is easy!

We are excited to support you as you take action to secure your financial well-being.

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