Packing and Unpacking for Vacation Made Easy

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During the summer many of us head to the mountains, beach, or a family member’s home for a relaxing vacation. Getting ready for the trip can be stressful, so use these strategies to make the packing - and unpacking - a bit easier.
  • Begin a packing list for each member of the family several days before items actually go into the suitcases. Add to the packing lists as you think of things you will need. Giving yourself time to develop the lists, and writing them down, will ensure you don’t forget anything.
  • Slip the packing lists into each suitcase, and use them to re-pack suitcases to come home. No more leaving items behind.
  • Note items on the packing lists that you didn’t actually use on the trip. Use this information as a spring board for the next trip.
  • Make your packing lists electronic by using a note taking app on your smart phone or tablet.
  • Consider packing fewer clothes if you will be able to do laundry during the trip.
  • Choosing garments that are mix & match will add variety to your wardrobe while reducing the total number of garments packed.
  • Include plastic bags to separate dirty clothes from clean garments, or to pack a wet bathing suit if you had to take just one last dip in the water before you left.
  • Snap a photo of every piece of luggage you take on the trip. This makes a good record of checked luggage if a piece is lost.
  • Make sure you have electronic copies of itineraries, agendas, and contacts. Pack chargers so you can recharge electronics along the way.
  • One thing NOT to do before your trip: DON’T post on social media that you’re about to take a trip. Don’t advertise that your home will be unoccupied. Of course you trust your social media friends, but depending on privacy settings, others who do not have the need to know may learn of your absence from home. Post vacation pictures after you return home.
  • Many of us don’t plan for unpacking when we return home, but that is an important ending to the trip. An electronic newsletter from recently offered some of these strategies for ensuring an organized ending to your vacation.
  • Unpack all luggage thoroughly, using those packing lists you created at the beginning of the trip to ensure all the soiled laundry, wet garments, and gadgets come out of the suitcases.
  • Repair any clothing or equipment that was damaged during the trip.
  • Replace toiletries that have been used, especially if you travel frequently.
  • Allow time for doing the laundry, ironing, folding, and putting away everything from the trip. Enlist the help of all family members with these tasks, so a single person isn’t stuck with these chores. Make it a time to decompress and solidify memories of the trip.
A purpose of vacation is to relax and rejuvenate. Packing systematically before the trip and unpacking in an organized manner when you return home will retain those positive vacation vibes.

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Denise Dias
Family and Consumer Sciences Agent