Volunteer for VITA in Johnson County

The IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals who make a under a set income threshold (which changes from year to year).

Learn more about VITA in Johnson County

man helping a womanThis VITA site is a partnership between Johnson County K-State Research and Extension, El Centro, Inc., and Kansas City Metropolitan Tax Coalition. In 2023, this VITA site prepared 1,375 federal tax returns. That's a lot of work, and powered by volunteers!

Become a VITA Volunteer

If you like working with people, enjoy working with numbers, and want to give back to your community, consider becoming a VITA volunteer. All VITA site staff are trained and certified by the IRS to complete federal income tax returns, as well as returns from any state.

Besides tax preparers, volunteers are needed as greeters, document reviewers, and site helpers.

If you are interested in volunteering, contact Joy Miller, Family and Community Wellness Agent with the Johnson County Extension office at 913-715-7013 or email joy.miller@jocogov.org.

woman and a man laughing