Demonstration Garden Support

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Stone sign to Garden Gallery

Johnson County Extension and the Extension Master Gardener (EMG) program have longed used demonstration gardens as a teaching tool. What better way to help educate the residents about plant selection, cultural practices and environmental practices than by seeing real plantings cared for by avid gardeners’?

Johnson County Extension and EMGs have a network of nine demonstration gardens throughout the county, each with its own theme and style. Popular garden locations include:

Demonstration garden support
But what good would a garden be without educational signage? That is where the efforts of the Johnson County Extension Education Foundation have come into play. Grant money received from the Foundation have provided much needed support to grow the gardens. Examples of grant funding have included professional heavy duty plant labels with easy-to-read printing to entrance signage to highlight the gardens. Foundation funds have also helped to ensure that the volunteers have the proper tools and equipment for the gardens. Foundation support has purchased much needed shovels, rakes, hoes and hoses so that the demonstration gardens can be tended.

Without the support of the Johnson County Extension Education Foundation the gardens would not be elevated to their true potential.

K-State Research and Extension Johnson County Master Gardener logo

Have questions? The Garden Hotline is staffed by trained EMG volunteers and Extension staff who will assist you with questions.

Phone: (913) 715-7050
