Gifts for Gardeners
by Dennis Patton, horticulture agent
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Shopping for the gardener in your life should be a simple pleasure. There are so many great gift ideas. It only takes a little thought to brainstorm a long list of goodies for special people that like to play around in the soil. There is usually a gift in just about every price range, anywhere from under ten dollars to several thousand.
Shop local
The first place to shop for the gardener is the local garden center. There you can easily pick up a new tool such as a rake, shovel or hoe. There is also handheld equipment such as pruners, loppers or saws. Look for ergonomic tools. Those are very popular and much appreciated, as are garden scissors. Every gardener needs a pair of sharp garden scissors.
Decorating ideas
Accessorizing the garden is a hot trend. Items that would make great gifts include just about any garden item such as a statue, birdbath or the ever-popular gazing ball. One of the hottest trends in gardening today is fairy gardens. If you know a passionate fairy gardener, then your gift options are unlimited.
Books are always welcomed
Winter is also a good time for the gardener to pick up a book on a cold, snowy night. Garden books abound with numerous titles and subjects. There are two types of garden books; those with lots of pretty pictures for dreaming, or those that are self-help. The self-help types tend to be favored by gardeners, as they want to learn all the how to’s for success.
When in doubt consider a gift card
If a book or garden tool is too personal of an item and you don’t know if they will like it or use it, then there is always another option — a gift certificate. What gardener would not like some extra cash when spring rolls around and the garden centers are bursting at the seam with colorful plants? Even though a gift card is not very personal it does allow that special person to pick their perfect gift. Tuck one into a pair of garden gloves for a fun holiday surprise.
Another reason for buying local — consider our grow zone
One word of caution when shopping for the gardener: be careful of mail order deals. Unless you are an educated gardener and know the source of the plants, you could get caught with a poor choice. Many catalogs that do not specialize in garden products have plant-related items offered as holiday gifts. Often these items are over-priced and not appropriate for the Kansas City climate. It is often better to purchase gardener gifts locally to avoid this problem.
Diamonds are often marketed as the ultimate gift that says “I love you.” Strike gold with the gardener in your life by surprising them with that special gift for the garden. It is a sure way to make this a memorable Christmas.

Have questions? The Garden Hotline is staffed by trained EMG volunteers and Extension staff who will assist you with questions.
Phone: (913) 715-7050