Agent Articles

Vegetables and Fruit

So you are motivated to try to grow your own vegetables and fruits. mixed vegetables Not sure where to begin? Maybe you have tried before without much success? Even the most seasoned gardener had to start somewhere. Don’t worry. We have all the resources you need to succeed.

There are many benefits to a vegetable and/or fruit garden. We all know consuming fresh fruits and vegetables is the basis of a healthy diet. What better way to supplement your diet than from your own garden? As an added bonus, gardening helps reduce stress by getting you out into the fresh air and sunshine. Gardening is also a great source of exercise.

The Johnson County Extension program has a wealth of knowledge provided by our Horticulture Agents and our Extension Master Gardeners. They have developed numerous articles for the local media and press releases on timely topics. These articles can assist you with finding the information you need to make wise choices in the lawn or garden.

The Gardening Calendar and average Frost Dates will help you plan when best to plant your garden. It is a good idea to begin your process with a Soil Test.


Dig Your Dinner

From sowing seeds to sautéing your vegetables, and picking produce to preserving it, there is much to be known in the world of vegetable gardening!

This monthly webinar series features Agents Anthony Reardon (Horticulture-Small Farms) and Chelsea Reinberg (Nutrition, Food Safety, and Health) who discuss the connections between growing and serving foods, suitable to the seasons. Learn more

Have questions? The Garden Hotline is staffed by trained EMG volunteers and Extension staff who will assist you with questions.

Phone: (913) 715-7050


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