Frequently Asked Lawn and Garden Questions



Recycling cut Christmas trees:

My family will have a cut Christmas tree this season. What can I do with it after the holidays besides putting it in the trash to take up landfill space?


This is a great question because there are so many creative uses for the tree. On a cold winter day when the kids are home from school on winter break, help them decorate it for the birds. Stake the tree outdoors in view from the inside the home. The family can string popcorn, cranberries or other inexpensive fruits and berries. Hang suet cakes and pine cones rolled in peanut butter and bird seed from the tree. The reward will be the enjoyment of bird watching on cold winter days.

Other suggestions:

  • Cut up the tree and compost or use as mulch in the garden.
  • Place the whole tree in a corner of the yard to provide shelter for the animals.
  • Arrange cut branches in empty garden pots to provide winter interest.
  • Drop the tree at the edge of a pond or lake (when permissible) to provide a hiding place for fish.

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Phone: (913) 715-7050
