Becoming a Johnson County Extension Master Gardener

Extension Master Gardeners build trellises in the Garden Gallery demonstration garden

If you have a passion for gardening and would like to share horticulture information with others, consider volunteering with the Johnson County Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs).

Application Deadline: Applications for the class of 2025 opened in earlyMay of 2024. Application deadline is June 28, 2024.

Basic Training Dates: Once accepted into the program, volunteers are required to attend Basic Training Classes every Thursday, starting September 5th through December 5th. Johnson County EMG-101 training will meet in the morning from 9 a.m. to noon in-person. Horticulture Subject Matter training will be conducted statewide virtually over Zoom, in the afternoon from 1-4 pm. Both sessions are required. Classes will not meet November 28.

Johnson County EMG Acceptance Process:

We accept one EMG "class" of new volunteers each year. We accept about 30 people each year and usually have more applicants than openings. Our selection process takes into account garden experience, volunteer experience, and overall enthusiasm for public service and the mission of the EMG program. We also look for people who have ample free time during the weekdays, since this is when the majority of our projects and trainings occur.

Deanna Rose Farmstead Extension Master Gardener Butterfly-garden crew

Application Guidelines For Participation:

  • Be a resident of Johnson County
  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent
  • Possess a broad interest in horticulture
  • Understand the value of volunteering
  • Comply with the policies, rules, and regulations of the Extension Master Gardner Program and the Johnson County Extension Council
  • Attend the entire EMG Basic Training Course in the fall.
  • Complete 40 hours of volunteer work with Advisory Board-authorized activities, including at least three EMG Hotline shifts as part of the basic training course.
  • Continue an annual commitment to volunteer a minimum of 30 hours on volunteer projects, and attend at least 10 hours of EMG advanced training
  • Agree to support the Extension pest control policy based on a combination of sound horticulture practices, organic controls, and chemical treatment as necessary
  • Pay $125 entrance fee to cover the cost of materials, trainer’s fees, meals, and other expenses

Horticulture agent Dennis Patton instructs EMG trainees during a classroom training session

If you have any questions about the EMG program or the application process, please contact Mary Matthew at or call (913) 715-7000.

Contact Us

Anthony Reardon Horticulture Agent

Tom Good Horticulture Assistant

Mary Matthew
Extension Master Gardener Coordinator

Heather Cwach
Horticulture Office Professional