January Garden Calendar

Vegetables and Fruits

  • Pick up and discard fallen fruit before spring arrives.
  • As nursery catalogs begin to arrive, look for plants with improved insect and disease resistance.
  • Order fruit trees


  • Peruse seed catalogs and prepare your seed order.
  • Things you can start: For spring flowers, get unplanted spring bulbs in the ground as soon as possible.
  • Start seeds throughout the winter, depending on growing requirements.
  • Water fall planted perennials to prevent dry soil conditions.
  • Watch for signs of frost heaving and cover tender roots.
  • Replace mulch layers.
  • Check bulbs in storage for rot and decay. Discard damaged ones.
  • Curl up with a good book and learn more about gardening.


  • Avoid walking on frozen lawns. It may injure the grass.
  • Rake fallen leaves that pile up on the lawn to prevent suffocation of grass.
  • Scatter snow instead of piling it up on the lawn next to drives and walks.

Trees and Shrubs

  • Snow and ice on limbs:
    • Gently brush heavy snow from tree and shrub limbs to reduce damage.
    • Allow ice to melt naturally from limbs. Do not use water to melt the ice or attempt to knock it off.
  • Pruning:
    • Prune storm damaged limbs quickly to reduce damage and prevent tearing of the bark.
    • Avoid the temptation to prune on warm winter day. You'll prevent further damage.
    • Bring twigs of flowering trees and shrubs indoors to force blossoms.
    • Water fall planted trees and shrubs when soil is dry but not frozen.
    • Watch out for rabbit damage to the bark of trees and shrubs.


  • Clean and repair garden tools during the winter.
  • Sand and seal tool handles to prevent splinters. Apply brightly colored paint to handles. It makes them easier to spot in the garden.
  • Keep bird feeders and water supplies filled for the feathered friends.
  • Evaluate the garden and make notes to assist in next year's planning.
  • Take photos of the garden and analyze for year-round interest.

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Have questions? The Garden Hotline is staffed by trained EMG volunteers and Extension staff who will assist you with questions.

Phone: (913) 715-7050

Email: garden.help@jocogov.org