Healthy Yard Tip: November

The Ten Commandments of Water QualityKitch faucet filling glass with water

Okay, we'll be the first to admit that this sounds a little preachy. But after watching so many people violate the rules it is time to put things into perspective.

We all have a role to play in protecting our water quality. So here are our Ten Commandments of Water Quality — ten simple things you can do to help protect our water.

  1. Thou shall not sweep or blow leaves into the street or gutter.

  2. Thou shall not blow grass clippings into the street or gutter.

  3. Thou shall not mow grass clippings into bodies of water.

  4. Thou shall not blow leaves into bodies of water.

  5. Thou shall not mow next to bodies of water; instead leave a 5 to 10 foot buffer strip to catch organic matter, pesticides and fertilizer runoff.

  6. Thou shall not spread fertilizer pellets onto hard surfaces. Always sweep or blow back onto the turf.

  7. Thou shall not let pet waste lay — pick up and dispose.

  8. Thou shall not blow your leaves onto thy neighbor’s property.

  9. Thou shall not push leaves into storm drains.

  10. Thou shall think how their actions affect the quality of our local lakes and streams which is our drinking water.

Water running in street gutter into storm drain Johnson County, Kansas stormdrains drain directly into nearby creeks an streams
Here are the facts — if it is on the ground it is in our drinking water. Organic debris, leaves and grass clippings breakdown, releasing nutrients such as nitrates and phosphorus which can harm fish and our water. Algae found growing during the summer on ponds and lakes is associated with excess fertilizers and pesticides which move into our water supply.

Water that flows from paved or hard surfaces into the storm drains is not treated water. It flows directly into the nearby stream which eventually makes its way to the Kansas and Missouri Rivers, our main source of drinking water.

Materials that are applied to the lawn is retained in the turf layer as the lawn acts as a sponge helping to soak up and keep the materials from reaching a water source. So as we go about our season-ending chores stop and think how our actions could impact a resource more precious than oil and that is our water supply.

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Maintaining a Healthy Yard and Environment
Here are some specific tips you can follow each month to make sure your yard is a healthy yard and environment.