Special Events


Discover simple, easy Earth-friendly practices for achieving a nice yard while still protecting our water, air, and healthy soils.

Johnson County K-State Extension Office's Annual Healthy Yards Expo features businesses, non-profits, seminars and tips to help residents become greener in their lawn and garden care. It’s a one-stop learning event on green ideas and services. Watch for the save-the-date announcement.

Our garden tour is unique! Each garden is owned and maintained by one of our EMGs. By opening up these private gardens to the public you get a rare chance to wander through your neighbor's backyard and see and learn from local experts.

Our garden tour happens every other year, the next one will be in 2026. Watch this page for the save-the-date announcement.

Willie and the Salad Bonanza is open to K-12 school teams, along with other K-12 community organizations such as 4-H, Scouts, FFA, or other teams, interested in the scientific principles surrounding plant growth.
Grow the largest amount of three designated and provided varieties of leafy greens in a communal container using no more than five-gallons of growing medium over a 45-day time span.