Water Testing

Most ponds are able to filter or settle out contaminants so they are not an issue for fish, wildlife or humans. If you suspect a problem though, the only way to know for sure is to test for contaminants like harmful blue-green algae's, excessive salt, fertilizers or others.

Water Testing and Analysis-Water Testing Decision Tree

Blue-Green Algae Testing
The Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is able to test water samples for harmful blue-green algae's.

Water Analysis for Kansas Farmers
The Kansas State University Soil Testing Lab offers nutrient and irrigation water quality analysis for producers. Full drinking water analysis is not offered.

Water & Wastewater Testing
SDK Laboratories is a commercial lab with options for several water tests.
Note: This resource is listed for informational purposes only. It does not imply endorsement or recommendation of the company or its services by either K-State Research and Extension or Johnson County K-State Research and Extension.

Water Analysis and Fees
The University of Missouri Extension offers water testing and analysis through their Soil Testing and Plant Diagnostic Services. Instructions on how to take a water sample and the fees analysis are listed on this site.

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